For help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, please click "Submit a new request" on contact us online below.

Text from the image above: Contact us online. If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online
Emergency prescriptions
Use this service to request a limited emergency supply of a medicine you’ve completely run out of.
This must be a medicine you are prescribed regularly, through a repeat prescription.
You will be charged your usual prescription fee. If you do not usually pay, it will be free.
For more information, including how to access emergency prescriptions, select the link: Emergency prescriptions - NHS 111
Safe Surgeries
We are proud to be a safe surgery.
Information from the Care Quality Commission
Our practice is inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure we are meeting essential standards of quality and safety.
This widget provides a summary of the results of the latest checks carried out by the CQC.
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guaranteed or endorsed.